Bikram Yoga

Living in New York City, there was something I could not ignore and had to experience at least once:
Bikram Yoga. Also called HOT Yoga. Very, very hot yoga. It’s a 90 minute class that consists of 26 postures, derived from Hatha Yoga. The temperature is around 105F (40 degrees Celsius).

When I first heard one of my friends talking about it, I got curious about that craze for this strange yoga practice. So, I’ve been telling myself that, one day, I will try. A week ago, I saw this 10-day unlimited pass offer for Bikram yoga and I told myself it was the perfect opportunity.. [to take my a** to class!]

So, after spending the day chugging water to make sure I was hydrated enough, let me tell you how my first class of HOT yoga went [welcome to a 90 minute date with myself!]:

6:50PM – First steps into the heated room filled with mats and people wearing undies/swimsuits
6:51PM – Mat: unrolled. Towel: ready. Water Bottle: filled. I think I have to copy these people and lay down on my mat, and wait for the teacher..
6:58PM  Ahhhh this heat is niiice. Can I have a cocktail or somethin’?
7:00PM  Teacher: “Hi! Everyone stand up on your mats! Pranayama…” – ohh alreaaady? I was feeling good!
7:05PM – Are we going to breathe all day..? kinda boring!
7:15PM – “Ardha-Chandrasana..” – Ahhh finally starting!
7:16PM – hmm ok people, sweat is running down my back.. I’m kinda HOT now, are we having a break yet?


7:40PM – “Garurasana.., Melody don’t forget to only breathe from your nose” – Whaaaat?! I’m dying over here!
8:00PM  “Savasana..” (dead body position where you just lay down) – YESSS!!! Time to rest and relaaaax!
8:02PM – “Pavanamuktasana..” – Jeeez! I don’t feel relaxed yet! Can we go back to that Sava-thingy position? I haven’t mastered it yet! ;P
8:15PM  “Melody don’t forget to only breathe from..” – Yeah yeah, I’m trying not to faint here lady!
8:25PM – I need aiiiiiiiiiiiiir!
8:30PM  [end of the class] – Everybody moooove I need aiiir now! [gasping for fresh air] ahhhhhh! 



Since then, I went to 3 other classes and I can say that I am handling the heat pretty well now :) For those who haven’t tried it yet, you definitely should! Just don’t forget to stock up on water bottles and breatheeee through your nose!

This fabulous drawing was made by Manue from Bubbles and Fashion – Check out her blog!

Namaste. :) xx

11 thoughts on “Bikram Yoga

  1. Seriously, I love this post! Great for a smile on a Monday morning! I love Bikram yoga, it kicks my a** too!! We will definitely have to take a class together the next time we are both in town! I can’t handle all the undies and bikinis though. I’m more of a oversized LNA and leggings girl!

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